Brattleboro, VT: Gravel Pit
Any permit for a Gravel Permit, Stone Quarry or Earth Extraction Permit has special design and permitting considerations.
The owners of the Fletcher Pit needed to renew their Act 250 permit, as well as, obtain coverage under the Multi-Sector General Permit program (MSGP). Trinity prepared a base map for the existing pit, and worked with the gravel pit owner and operator to redesign the drainage patterns in the pit, in order to utilize the high permeability of the underlying gravels to help the owner and operator comply with the MSGP requirements. Areas of the pit that were played out were identified, and closure plans for those areas included in the Act 250 permit. A Construction General Permit (CGP) was required for those areas being closed out. Areas for future expansion were identified and those areas were rolled into the Act 250 permit update. The Act 250 process involved sound study to assess impact from OSHA required back up alarms, tailgates and crushing operations on neighboring properties.