The Range, North Adams, MA

North Adams, MA:  Wetland Permitting for Motocross course

This Range property was located within the 100 year floodplain of the Hoosic River.  Extensive permitting was required as the site included every resource area protected under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act.  The research into the past uses of the property performed by Trinity was instrumental in establishing that the project could proceed as a Redevelopment project under the Riverfront Act.

The site require an extensive wetland resource inventory which included riverfront, bordering land subject to flooding, bordering vegetated wetlands, and rare and endangered plant species protected under MESA.   Installation of the miniature golf course required flood plain compensation, which was achieve by constructing the golf course on top of stormwater chambers to minimize the amount of fill within the floodplain.

In subsequent years, the site was redesigned to include a motocross track.  The design of track required fill and as such flood plain compensation was design on the opposite side of the Hoosic River.   Trinity provided design and permitting services to obtain the Order of Conditions through the Conservation Commission, MESA, USEPA Region 1 for the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan required by the NPDES Phase II, construction phase erosion control permit.



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